Watch the livestream with young leaders live from the Prague European Summit between 9:30 and 10:40 CEST (Photo: Adam Costey Studio)


Prague European Summit debate with Slovenian president

by Michal Beneš, Prague,

Aside high-level public figures, NGO and business representatives, this year's Prague European Summit will also welcome young leaders.

The representatives of the Future European Leaders Forum (FELF) will present their visions on how to shape the EU policies.

FELF is an integral part of the Prague Summit aiming to bring together exceptional future leaders with diverse professional and academic backgrounds, and with a proven track record as opinion leaders in their fields of activity.

In a panel devoted to the Conference on the Future of Europe, three young leaders will be joined by the president of the Republic of Slovenia – Borut Pahor, to discuss the future of the European integration.

Its current challenges and opportunities, and to give the chance to the EU's youth to be involved in a debate that shapes the future of the Union.

The presidential chat with the young leaders will take place on 13 July 2021 between 9:30 and 10:40 CEST, viewable at the top of this article.

Slovenian president, whose country has recently taken over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, considers the six-month presidency as a unique chance for the country.

"I hope this is a chance for the government and the prime minister to focus more on subjects that are vital for Slovenia and the EU. I wish that the presidency of the European council would give an opportunity to prove Slovenia's ability to gain a significant majority for the geopolitical need of enlargement."

Furthermore, Pahor will receive the Vision for Europe award during the Prague European Summit. This is annually bestowed to a politician that has significantly contributed to European integration.


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Author Bio

Michal Beneš is communications manager for the Prague European Summit.

Watch the livestream with young leaders live from the Prague European Summit between 9:30 and 10:40 CEST (Photo: Adam Costey Studio)


Author Bio

Michal Beneš is communications manager for the Prague European Summit.


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