If the EU as a block shifts its paradigm to more sustainable energy, the Visegrad region's energy infrastructure will look out of date (Photo: Peter Teffer)

Why Visegrad 4 need to get real about climate change

As Europe is experiencing hottest weather in decades, climate change is back in headlines.

More accurately, it never leaves the headlines. It has become a constant feature of our news cycle. Yet only recently, some of the Visegrad Four group countries blocked the EU's climate target, showing great unwillingness to face the elephant in the room: that as the climate changes, the European countries relying on coal are on a path that ...

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If the EU as a block shifts its paradigm to more sustainable energy, the Visegrad region's energy infrastructure will look out of date (Photo: Peter Teffer)


Author Bio

Linda Zeilina is director of the RE-DEFINE think tank, and Think Visegrad Fellow at the Europeum Institute for European Policy.


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