'Justice has arrived from Europe,' jailed Catalan MEP Oriol Junqueras tweeted right after the CJEU’s decision was made public (Photo: Jordi Bedmar/ Government of Catalonia)

Catalan party: release leader after MEP 'immunity' verdict

The European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled on Thursday (19 December) that imprisoned Catalan leader, Oriol Junqueras, enjoys parliamentarian immunity as MEP, in a legal victory for the separatist movement which saw nine of its leaders jailed earlier this year.

Junqueras, the head of the pro-independence Esquerra Republicana party (ERC) and 'Spitzenkandidat' of European Free Alliance (EFA) was elected in the European elections in May this year.

"Justice has arrived from Europe. Th...

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Author Bio

Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.

'Justice has arrived from Europe,' jailed Catalan MEP Oriol Junqueras tweeted right after the CJEU’s decision was made public (Photo: Jordi Bedmar/ Government of Catalonia)


Author Bio

Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.


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