This jargon contributes to the commission further losing touch with citizens across Europe — the position of EUsocial affairs commissioner should be restored as an autonomous portfolio (Photo: Arthur Yeti)


Why, for the first time ever, no EU social affairs commissioner?

It is surprising that for the first time in history there has not been a proposal for a EU social affairs commissioner to join the next European Commission.

Since 1967, wi...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Alfonso Lara-Montero is the chief executive officer of the European Social Network, an umbrella group of 183 member organisations, mostly public authorities at all governance levels, as well as regulation, inspection, provision, and applied research bodies in 32 countries, whose activities cover all populations social services work with, including vulnerable children and young people, people with disabilities and mental health conditions, homeless people, and older adults with care needs.  

This jargon contributes to the commission further losing touch with citizens across Europe — the position of EUsocial affairs commissioner should be restored as an autonomous portfolio (Photo: Arthur Yeti)


Author Bio

Alfonso Lara-Montero is the chief executive officer of the European Social Network, an umbrella group of 183 member organisations, mostly public authorities at all governance levels, as well as regulation, inspection, provision, and applied research bodies in 32 countries, whose activities cover all populations social services work with, including vulnerable children and young people, people with disabilities and mental health conditions, homeless people, and older adults with care needs.  


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