

Podcast: Israel's assassination of Hamas leader echoes across the EU

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If Israel gets its way, the EU will be dragged kicking and screaming into global security relevance. Israel’s double-whammy assassinations of top Hizbollah and Hamas leaders is yet another drip-drip drop closer to making much of the Middle East look like Gaza. In addition to the mortifying human cost on the ground, that would have serious and scary implications for the European Union, which is once again reminded that it isn’t all that far away.

The EU, thanks to rules on unanimous agreement among its 27 members, can’t even issue a quick and clear condemnation of seemingly rigged elections in Venezuela. Viktor Orbán appears to have relented shortly after this episode was recorded, but the delay shows how ham-fisted one of the largest and richest political areas on earth is when it comes to having a meaningful role on said planet.

While he’s busy blocking statements, Orbán is readying Hungary to unblock Russian access to the EU. That has Manfred Weber rather upset. Better late than never?

That, plus weak rule of law in Italy are great reasons to bring back friends of the pod and EUO reporting talents, Andrew Rettmann and Valentina Saini.

You can follow Euroscopic on their Substack to receive the episodes as they're published, or find them here on EUobserver every week (in principle).

Author Bio

William Glucroft is a writer and journalist based in Berlin. Explorer of the Teutonic Imaginary who's covering Germany with wit, style, and insight worth reading. Martin Gak is a broadcaster and writer, a native of Argentina fascinated by the idea of Europe, its values and its cheese.


Author Bio

William Glucroft is a writer and journalist based in Berlin. Explorer of the Teutonic Imaginary who's covering Germany with wit, style, and insight worth reading. Martin Gak is a broadcaster and writer, a native of Argentina fascinated by the idea of Europe, its values and its cheese.


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