While the rest of the world will slowly turn away and the images of desperate Afghans clinging to an aircraft’s wheels’ fade, a new tragedy will start.


Afghanistan: The great Asian sink hole

Now that the Taliban have retaken Kabul, we can try to imagine the region's future.

Most likely, it will misleadingly shift from panic to short-term stability and back into long-term struggle.

Taking Kabul was the easy part for the Taliban; building a unified emirate will prove as difficult as building a diverse democracy.

Poverty, population growth, climate change, and bad governance can transform Afghanistan and its surroundings into a new sink hole.

The Taliban h...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Jonathan Holslag teaches international politics at the Free University Brussels and guest lectures at the NATO Defense College. His latest book is World Politics since 1989 (Polity, September 2021).

While the rest of the world will slowly turn away and the images of desperate Afghans clinging to an aircraft’s wheels’ fade, a new tragedy will start.


Author Bio

Jonathan Holslag teaches international politics at the Free University Brussels and guest lectures at the NATO Defense College. His latest book is World Politics since 1989 (Polity, September 2021).


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