In Afghanistan today at least 18 million people - nearly half the country's population - are in urgent need of assistance (Photo: DVIDSHUB)

Time to deliver: Afghanistan is test of Europe's promises

Today, the European Commission has called together world leaders to discuss, and support, protection for the most at-risk Afghans.

The goal of the meeting is clear: to rally support and secure commitments from countries around the world to expand safe, legal routes to protection from Afghanistan and the region. The hashtag is "timetodeliver" - and that is the right test, because the needs are real and urgent.

The first such "High Level Resettlement Forum" was in July. It was des...

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In Afghanistan today at least 18 million people - nearly half the country's population - are in urgent need of assistance (Photo: DVIDSHUB)


Author Bio

David Miliband is president of the International Rescue Committee and a former British foreign secretary.


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