Europe’s digital frontrunners need to unite to drive a more ambitious strategic dialogue at the highest political levels. (Photo: Sacha Fernandez)

How Europe can harness its digital economy

With Britain already heading for the exit, it’s easy to overlook the real dilemma Europe faces: an economy whose recovery has been hardly robust, a drought of investment at a time when the world is awash in liquidity and a labour market that has left pockets of sky-high unemployment and looming social unrest.

It’s no wonder voters are shocked and horrified by all of that. They turn to populist slogans, casting protest votes and threatening the establishment with eviction.

Amid th...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver
Europe’s digital frontrunners need to unite to drive a more ambitious strategic dialogue at the highest political levels. (Photo: Sacha Fernandez)



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